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Quantitative analysis is concerned with empirical statistics and mathematical evidence rather than with feelings, thoughts, attitudes & feelings. This analysis approach is conveniently interfaced with certain aspects of the data that will be considered more verified and accurate.

Learning Objectives:

  • Define and describe standardized interviews.
  • Describe the process and some of the drawbacks of telephone interviewing techniques.
  • Describe how the analysis of quantitative interview works.
  • Identify the strengths of quantitative interviews.

It is based on large samples and calculates the proportion possessed by certain characteristics and the population. Additionally, by answering these queries, it collects the data:

  • How often the customer buys the product?
  • What proportion of the population makes job searches online?
  • How many customers will buy a product if a certain promotional strategy is introduced?
  • How many customers rated the ambiance of the restaurant as ‘outstanding?

Through analyzing pre-existing observational data using computational techniques, this approach stresses quantitative observations and methodological, empirical, or predictive interpretation of data collection by polling, questionnaires, and surveys. To understand these methods, look at the diagram used to capture the respondent’s data:

Quantitative market research

  1. Telephonic Surveys: This survey is being performed under the case study as the researcher selects the representative a sample that represents the attributes or features identical to those of the entire population. For most cases, the interviewer is hesitant to speak a lot on the phones. This pattern includes closed replies such as “Yes” or “No,” which are considered idle respondents. It helps you to understand how spot issues like the number of visitors who purchase the goods or services can be rectified? And how are annual rough sales?
  2. Personal Interviews: Questions according to the concept of use have been selected here. Either the interviewer may ask the respondent to come to an interview in a particular area or to make an appointment for a person’s home visit. The open-ended and closed questions can be answered here.
  3. Web Surveys: Researchers share the databases with the vast number of audiences through e-mails and can connect to them all at once. There is no limit to where the research can be aimed at the audience from diverse places. And at anytime and anywhere gather information from a large network.
  4. Hybrid Survey Methods: Researchers are simultaneously using two or more methods to obtain relevant and measurable data. For example, the researcher selects the specific location of the audience randomly and then uses a phone survey for the male respondent’s information collection and personal interviews with female candidates.

Quantitative surveyors usually collect data from a large, representative sample more closely. If you can imagine, it can be very difficult to gather data from many people through interviews. Throughout this method, quantitative interviews that help the technological advances in the telephone interview procedures. One of the problems with phone interviews is that fewer and fewer people list their phone numbers, but this is an issue that is solved by random dialing (RDD). For researchers conducting telephone interviews, RDD software dials randomly generated telephone numbers.

This means that unlisted numbers can be used in a sample as well as listed numbers (although I’m not very pleased to be called by mysterious researchers, having used this program for quantitative interviews). To help quantitative survey researchers, Computer-Aided Telephone Interviews (CATI) programs have also been developed.

The programs enable an interviewer to enter answers directly into a computer as they are delivered, saving time spent entering data in an analysis program on the hand.

Analysis of Quantitative Interview Data:

Similar to survey data analysis, the analysis of quantitative interview data typically involves numerical coding of response options, numeric answers in a computer program for the data analysis, and several statistical commands to identify patterns between responses. But what happens to the open-ended questions of quantitative interviews? In this case, answers will normally be counted, much like closed questions, but it is much more complicated than just a “no” mark and a “yes.”

Key Takeaways:

  • Quantitative interviews typically require closed-ended questions that are given in the same format and order to each respondent, as opposed to qualitative interviews.
  • The numerical value of participant answers is measured via the quantitative interview results.
  • In addition to self-administered questionnaires such as higher response rates and lower responding confusion, Quantitative interviews offer several benefits. They have the adverse effects of possible interviewing effect and higher time and cost.


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